Monday, September 1, 2008

September 2008 (BC)

Did anybody get the number of that truck?

Ah yes, that would be 'the beginning of the fall semester 2008'. Ooof.

Anyway, despite my absence from blogging, I have been doing stuff. I finished these for the Ravelympics.

Knotty or Knice Socks in Studio Sock from Neighborhood Fiber Co. "Truxton Circle".

These, I did not.

Toe-up Bayerische in Chameleon Colorworks in Eggplant.

The sweater I was going to spin, design, and knit? Do we have to talk about that? Why not look at this beautiful sweater instead.

Central Park Hoodie in Malabrigo Worsted in Stonechat. Sorry for the cruddy pic.

What else? Well, Ragged and I did a little yarn dyeing.

Sadly, I did not get any pics of her yarns, because I am the laziest human ever. But, they were gorgeous, and hopefully you will get to see them on her blog. One of them just about didn't make it home with her. Hey, you dye yarn purple around me at your own risk.

The sunlight was very, very bright, so these are going to be a bit washed out.

BFL sock yarn overdyed.

BFL sock yarn overdyed. I was particularly pleased with how this turned out.

And just for Cynical (sorry Ragged, I know this is going to set him going again), It Was a Dark and Stormy Night yarn and roving.

This is actually much, much darker than the picture. Think mostly black, with subtle washes of color. More like this.

Did I mention it was really bright that day?

And of course you know there was more purple dyed.

Because I couldn't get an accurate picture of it outside or inside, please note the knitted fabric on the left in the above shot. That's a sock blank that you dye, then unravel and knit. I had seen them around the knitting world and when the dye day was coming together, I grabbed a couple at the local yarn shop. One thing we learned is the dye behaved very differently on it than on yarn or roving. Well, when I had mine the way I wanted it, there was waaay too much dye. It was swimming in it. I hate to waste any dye, so mopping it up with paper towels was not appealing. Then I recalled I had some roving soaking in the tub, just in case I wanted to dye some more stuff. I draped it on the sock blank and mooshed it a bit. Perfect. Then, after wrapping up the blank, I poured the leftover purple dye onto the roving as well. Later, Ragged had some leftovers from her purple and teal skein, and I dumped that on as well. The result?

How cool is that? Can you say love?

Also, you may recall my Lily Cardigan , and that I couldn't stand the pink in it. Well, that's not a problem anymore.

No, that's not an overdye job, that's a whole different yarn, a very lovely rayon/flax blend.

I absolutely adore it now. I started this Saturday evening, so it should hum along nicely.

Okay, I think you are all caught up on the fibery pursuits of recent time. I'll leave you with the last "I scream" of the Dairy Dee season.

They were delicious. Burp.


'A visitor' left this comment on 8 Sep 08
(emitting squeal of delight) LOVE the pictures! Makes me want to be there. Socks, lovely. Dyed items, lovely. Ice cream, do words even express? I sigh, also.
'A visitor' left this comment on 2 Sep 08
Purple! Yarn! Roving! Ice Cream! sigh

I'll never make it to November

I can't take it.

You know, there's really no hope. Neither side needs to kid themselves that either person can unite the parties. This country will just keep getting more and more divided, until we end up in another 'civil' (but don't bet there will be anything civil about it) war.

So you know what? I'm in favor of anarchy. Chuck it all out the window.

Or, if there's a well-organized group of Native Americans that would like to stage a coup to win their country back from all of us chuckleheads, that would work too.

In knitting news, both sleeves of Lily are complete. And, I seem to have joined the Mystery Stole 4 knit-a-long. I didn't mean to, but there you go. Unfortunately, I'm not knitting along, because I have to get the yarn. Yes, amazing as it sounds, I do not have a back-up stash of lace yarn.

Today, I could have either looked for beads, or went to the yarn shop for yarn. I opted to search for beads, because I thought they would be the most important to see in person, and I could order some yarn from Knitpicks if need be. After two fruitless stops (okay, my only options were JoAnn's and WM, what was I thinking?!?!?), I had no beads to show for it, and ended up discovering some I already had at home would work for it. (Lace yarn stash - no; bead stash - yes. And I don't 'bead', which makes it even more strange.) So, now I wish I would have gone to the yarn shop instead. When will I learn, when there is an option, always go with the yarn shop?

The cooler weather is definitely a welcome thing. There's veggie soup in the air.


'A visitor' left this comment on 8 Sep 08
I feel your pain, sister. I am deeply offended that when the R's finally take it upon themselves to put a woman up for Veep she's unqualified. ( 'experience' is running a town the size of 5000 and a state smaller than Chicago!?). If they weren't just looking for a token skirt they'd have vetted someone like Kay Bailey Hutchison. And if Miss Alaska is so qualified, let her answer some questions, not just stand up and spout off and smile.
'A visitor' left this comment on 6 Sep 08
An-ar-chy! An-ar-chy!
'A visitor' left this comment on 5 Sep 08
You are wise to be fed up. I know we don't agree on politics, but until Palin hit the scene I had no love for the race. I just need to stay out of the chat rooms and knit more!

My next lace will be Cascade Heritage sock yarn and beads in a deep green, no lime to it!

Well short of a thousand words

Okay, so I was waiting to get pictures taken so I could post, but that's not going to happen, so I'll just give a summary. I have:

  • finished Lily out of 8-ply Ray/flax from Interlacements
  • started another Lily out of Brooks Farm Yarn Harmony (discontinued, sadly) in a moss stitch
  • started knitting the sock flat I dyed
  • got my second shipment of Wool2Dye4 sock club yarn
  • joined the Sundara Artist's Choice Sock Club

Now, the last one I couldn't have taken a picture of anyway, because it will be December before I get it. Six skeins, all different colors, will be winging their way to my house. What an x-mas present to myself. KnitterBunny, were you strong enough to resist Sundara's Siren Song?

One day, there may actually be pictures on this blog.


'A visitor' left this comment on 20 Sep 08
Poor enough to resist. sigh

Happy, happy autumn

Fall is here! Soon it will be Halloween! The scary shows have started up! (Of course, on ChillerTV, there's always something spooky on, Thank You, DirecTV!)

Also, tonight I attended Election Judge training. I'm on the list as an alternate, for my appropriate political party. You all know which one that is, right? I really hope I get to be an election judge, because it sounds interesting, I would be fulfilling my civic duty, and when it's slow, I get to knit.

You knew it would boil down to knitting, didn't you?


'A visitor' left this comment on 23 Sep 08
I thought you had to be 95 years old to work the polls. At least that's the requirement in Kentucky.

Pictures as promised

I had hoped to take some nice pictures of my recently finished projects. Instead, you get the standard table shots.

Central Park Hoodie in Malabrigo Worsted - Stonechat

Lily Cardigan in Interlacements 8-ply Ray-Flax

Socks from Happy Choices sock flats dyed by me

Lily II in Brooks Farm Yarns Harmony

2nd installment in the Wool2Dye4 Sock Club - Socks2Dye4

I have a research paper due by Sunday, so I am working to get it done before we will be trekking south this weekend for a housewarming party. Perhaps you have heard about it . You know it's nice to only have to write 5-8 pages about Constructivist Theory instead of 15-20 pages about a brother and sister drowning in a flood-swollen creek. (trust me) Jenny from the Blog will be heading down with us, and you can be sure a good time will be had by all.

And in other big news - it's almost Socktoberfest !!!!


'A visitor' left this comment on 25 Sep 08
I see quite a trend in those pictures. ;)

Thoughts for Monday

Things I learned this weekend
  • Black Amethyst from the Bath and Body Works chemically bonds with your skin
  • The Battle of Hastings was fought in 1066
  • I don't need to be fabulous, I just need to be me

There was some porch knitting.

That's the sock flat socks completed, with the little bit of yarn remaining. It was a sock knitters' consensus that this is a very handy way to tell where you are in yarn usage. One day, I may even get an accurate color shot. But don't wait on it.

Have you ever wondered what I do at my job? Well, we've been working a person short for about a month and a half, unfortunately the busiest month and a half of the year, and today they have finally posted the job. So, just case you wondered what Needles does when she's not knitting/spinning/dyeing (copied directly from the website, so all the wonky spacing issues came with it) (Btw, I used the small font because I don't think anyone is seriously going to read it):

  • Serve on a team of advisors advising over 1000 current students as well as prospective students regarding selection of a college, a major course of study, and an appropriate delivery method.
  • Ability to articulate the requirements of over 26 degree programs and the benefits of obtaining a degree.
  • Work with new students to develop an individualized plan to reach their academic goals. The plan is reviewed with the student each semester to ensure all major program requirements, general education requirements, sequencing requirements, and student readiness is met.
  • Provide one-on-one advising to current and prospective students regarding selection of a college, a major course of study, and an appropriate delivery method.
  • Interpret, apply and abide by the Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and parental confidentiality issues.
  • Accurately evaluate and articulate information on students to faculty and administrators, and in interpret university rules and regulations and other information to students.
  • Coach and encourage students through disruptive life events, obstacles, and challenges through discussion of options to help student success.
  • Coach students to develop accountability for their educational decisions as well as an understanding of how those decisions impact their future success.
  • Assist current and prospective students with inquiries in regards to general and specific information about the University, its programs and requirements.
  • Assist and advise students with the admissions process, including providing initial information regarding financial aid or other tuition assistance.
  • Supervise advisees’ degree progress, providing provisional audits as necessary and processing their petitions to graduate.
  • Assess and evaluate academic advising and advising programs to ensure continual improvement of process and quality.
  • Travel as necessary to represent the University at job fairs, education fairs, learning centers, and other university activities.
  • Communicate effectively to audiences of prospective students about the benefits of attending xxxxxxxx University.
  • Promote academic, career and life goals by developing and advising students with strategies such as successful completion in an online learning environment and the appropriateness of an online choice.
  • Serve as an advocate for the student and intercede with at-risk students to reduce attrition.
  • Communicate regularly with students to advise them of academic program requirements, registration dates, resources, transferability issues, course substitutions, testing for credit, credit for military experience and training, and other relevant information.
  • Identify opportunities to grow enrollments, attract students, gain efficiencies and improve services.
  • Register students for distance courses; adding students to the student information system and course management system; advising the appropriate instructors.
  • Responsible for data collection and generating reports for retention purposes and evaluating students to make sure the program objectives are met.
  • Proactively build advising skills through sharing of best practices, active participation in self-development, and staying current in curriculum knowledge and industry trends.
  • Develop and present advisor educational workshops for faculty and staff.
  • Develop, revise, and update the processes of Advising Center forms and publications.
  • Maintain appropriate student files (electronic and paper).
  • Assist students with access and technical issues that may arise.
  • Perform other job-related duties as assigned.
· A bachelor’s degree in marketing, business, education, management or related area is desired.
· Knowledge of university degree programs, policies, procedures, resources and population.
· Ability to effectively, professionally, and tactfully interact and communicate, both orally and in writing, with students, faculty, staff and visitors.
· Ability to maintain confidentiality.
· Ability to work effectively in a diverse service environment that is subject to frequent interruptions.
· Knowledge of military voluntary education program requirements, SOC processes and tuition assistance.
· Knowledge of financial aid services and requirements.
· Ability to effectively establish rapport with students and prospective students.
· Ability to solve problems, think critically, and organize workload.
· Ability to maintain an orderly work environment and possessing overall excellent organizational skills is essential.
· Ability to work cooperatively in a team environment.
· Knowledge of distance education courses offered by xxxxxxxxxx University.
· Knowledge of success strategies for distance learning.
· Be willing to work flexible or additional hours to accommodate student needs.
· Possess an understanding of and sensitivity to comprehensive student support in an educational environment.
· Proficient in email communications, Windows XP environment, Internet applications, Microsoft Office Suite or other word processing/spreadsheet application.
Sounds impressive, doesn't it? It's that 'other duties as assigned' that gets ya every time. In case you made it this far and are thinking of applying, the salary would put a family of 3-4 at the poverty level. Just sayin'. Really, there are good things about the job. Having an awesome boss is one of them. Having a job at all is another.

You know what tomorrow is? The DVD release of Ironman. You know what the day after tomorrow is? SOCKTOBERFEST!!!!!! I may actually get a plan for this year's festivities. One year I signed up for it, and didn't even knit a sock the whole month. Pathetic.

And that's about all that is exciting around here. Which gets no complaints from me.


'A visitor' left this comment on 30 Sep 08
Central Park Hoodie in Malabrigo Worsted - Stonechat

This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Really!!!

'A visitor' left this comment on 30 Sep 08
Impressive. . . and fabulous!
'A visitor' left this comment on 29 Sep 08
Socktoberfest! Woot!